RF Microneedling

What Is (RF) Radiofrequency Microneedling?

Dr. Hyemin Pomerantz relies on the advanced Sylfirm X platform for radiofrequency (RF) microneedling treatments, which deliver exceptional results to our patients. RF treatments have been widely recognized in the cosmetic industry for their ability to tighten the skin. By utilizing heat, this treatment stimulates collagen production in the deeper layers of the skin, resulting in a tighter and smoother surface. While various RF microneedling devices are available, Sylfirm X stands out as the only approved device for addressing challenging conditions like rosacea and melasma. At VivaSkin Dermatology and Aesthetics, we frequently incorporate Sylfirm X RF microneedling sessions into the skincare treatments of our patients in Dover, Newton, and Wellesley, MA, to promote healthier skin, enhance texture, and achieve a radiant complexion.

What Are the Advantages?

If you’re dealing with dull, loose, or textured skin, RF microneedling with Sylfirm X can be an ideal solution for you. This procedure offers several benefits, including:

  • Improved skin texture, tone, and overall feel.
  • Smooth, hydrated skin with a natural and radiant appearance.
  • Stimulation of the body’s natural production of elastin and collagen for long-lasting results.
  • Complete transformation of your skin’s appearance, resulting in increased confidence.

Am I a Suitable Candidate?

If you’re 40 years of age or older and noticing signs of aging such as age spots, discoloration, smile lines, and other skin imperfections caused by aging and sun exposure, RF microneedling with Sylfirm X may be the perfect treatment for you. RF microneedling is beneficial if you wish to:

  • Firm and tighten your skin, creating a more youthful and refreshed look.
  • Improve skin texture, tone, and pigmentation.
  • Correct skin irregularities like discoloration and visible blood vessels.
  • Reduce the appearance of sun damage and age spots.
  • Minimize acne scars and other types of scarring.
  • Rejuvenate your skin for a younger, radiant appearance.

How Is RF Microneedling Performed?

Microneedling involves the use of a tool with tiny needles that gently puncture the skin, creating micro-injuries that stimulate collagen production. This process, also known as collagen induction therapy, prompts the growth of new skin, resulting in a brighter, smoother, and rejuvenated complexion. While microneedling can be performed on its own, combining this advanced technique with radiofrequency microneedling technology, such as Sylfirm X, allows us to optimize the results for our patients.

The procedure is straightforward. The Sylfirm X applicator emits radiofrequency energy and delivers short pulses of RF energy through a set of microelectrodes using its proprietary Regional Regeneration Radio Repeated Pulse technology. The energy is transmitted through the needles, which simultaneously puncture the skin and return the electrodes to the skin’s surface. A robotic system ensures that the treatment reaches all dermal layers at an optimal depth, producing the most effective and long-lasting outcomes.

Enjoy A Tighter, Smoother Face

If you desire to improve the appearance of aging or sun-damaged skin, as well as reduce wrinkles, laxity, acne scars, or conditions like rosacea, RF microneedling with Sylfirm X offers a proven and effective solution. By combining radiofrequency skin tightening with microneedling, this advanced skin rejuvenation procedure has gained popularity and is highly sought-after among our patients in Waltham, Needham, and Wellesley, MA. To learn more about this minimally invasive treatment, we invite you to reach out to VivaSkin Dermatology and Aesthetics.

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