Thread Lift

What Is A Thread Lift?

At VivaSkin Dermatology and Aesthetics, we provide a thread lift service that acts as a noninvasive solution to elevate and firm sagging skin. A facial thread lift becomes an ideal alternative for individuals who are hesitant to undergo surgical facelifts but wish to mitigate signs of aging like fine lines, wrinkles, and drooping skin. We employ polydioxanone threads, also known as PDO collagen threads, which are durable, synthetic monofilament threads or medical-grade sutures inserted into the skin to stimulate collagen production, lifting sagging skin and smile lines. Often referred to as a “lunchtime lift,” a PDO thread lift demands minimal recovery time. We also offer Meshfill, a dual-function thread and filler solution that promotes collagen formation in the skin. All threads are designed to dissolve or be absorbed over time. To determine if a thread lift aligns with your aesthetic goals, book a consultation at our Wellesley, MA facility

What are the Benefits of a Thread Lift?

A thread lift offers several advantages for individuals with mild to moderate signs of aging. It can create a natural-looking lift in various areas and is a minimally invasive procedure with little downtime. You can resume your daily activities without disruption. Thread lifts are customizable to meet each patient’s unique needs and can be combined with other treatments if desired. The effects of a thread lift are considered long-lasting, depending on your skin’s elasticity and age. Additionally, thread lifts not only lift and tighten the skin but also stimulate collagen production, further enhancing your results.

Am I A Good Candidate For A Thread Lift?

Ideal candidates for a thread lift are typically between the ages of 35 and 65 and have the following goals:

  • Achieve smoother skin without invasive procedures
  • Stimulate collagen production in the skin
  • Reduce mild or moderate sagging skin on the neck and/or face
  • Diminish apparent signs of aging, such as creases around the mouth and nasal area, sagging jowls, loose skin, and lip lines
  • Attain longer-lasting improvements compared to cosmetic injectables

During an initial appointment at our Wellesley, MA location, our team will assess your individual circumstances to determine if a thread lift procedure is a suitable choice for you.

How Is A PDO Thread Lift Performed?

A PDO thread lift is a relatively quick procedure that typically takes about an hour to complete. Before the treatment, our team will discuss the type and number of threads to be used, as well as their placement, to achieve your desired improvements. Local anesthesia is typically administered to ensure your comfort during the procedure. The threads are then carefully inserted into specific areas of the face using a delicate needle. They are gently tightened to provide a subtle lift and a more youthful appearance. No incisions or cuts are made during this treatment.

A Meshfill thread lift is designed to define the jawline, reduce sagging jowls, and diminish the appearance of nasolabial folds and marionette lines. This type of threading stimulates collagen in the skin, resulting in a volumizing and rejuvenating effect.

What Should I Expect Following a Thread Lift?

After a PDO thread lift, it is common to experience mild inflammation and sensitivity. It is recommended to avoid strenuous activities, and sleeping with your head elevated is advisable for the next three days. Within approximately a week, you should start noticing the refreshed results. The PDO sutures support the growth of elastin and collagen, leading to ongoing enhancements over the next 12 to 18 months. Most individuals require only one PDO thread lift procedure to achieve noticeable outcomes. However, touch-up appointments may be scheduled within the next few years to maintain the rejuvenated results.

Regain a Youthful Appearance without the Need for Surgery

If you’re looking for a minimally invasive way to address loose skin and achieve a natural rejuvenated appearance, facial thread lifts can be an excellent solution. Whether you have mild to moderate skin laxity, wrinkled skin, or simply desire a refreshed look, VivaSkin Dermatology and Aesthetics in Wellesley, MA is here to help. Contact us to schedule a consultation and explore the option of thread lifts along with other aesthetic rejuvenation procedures

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